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Hints for Nick Bounty: A Case of the CrabsGeneral Hints
Remember to look at all hotspots and people you find; get anything that can be picked up or try to move it if it can’t.
Objects in inventory may be able to be combined with each other – use x with y – or combined with an object or person in the current scene.
You will know when to use shoot.
Look at objects in inventory to learn more about them.

Game Hints

Nick Bounty’s Office
I don’t have anywhere else to go.
Did you look and get everything?
How about the box that Arthur was carrying?
Did you look at it?
This will trigger a new location - Shiny Barnacle Shipping Docks

Shiny Barnacle Shipping Docks

The man won’t talk to me.
You need to get his attention.
Can you do something to stop his incessant scrubbing?
What can you put in the bucket?

There is nowhere new to go.
Have you examined everything else on the dock?
What about the crates?
Have you looked inside?
The lid is closed.
What can you use to open it?
Do you have a knife?

There is still nowhere new to go.
Have you looked at the crab?

Jim & His Shack O’ Crabs
Jim won’t talk to me.
What is his problem?
How can you help him?
I can’t pick up the rat.
You need to trap him.

I can’t find a rat trap.
You need to “make” one.
What do rats like?
Where can you find some cheese?
Have you been to the Blue Crab Café?
Have you found the kitchen?

I have the cheese but can’t figure out what else I need.
What do you have that could act as a trap to hold the cheese?
Remember what Nick said about the toy crab? Look at the toy crab again.
Use the cheese with the toy crab.

Jim is STILL looking for help.
Maybe you will find someone who can help him.

Blue Crab Café
I can’t get in.
You need an ID card.

I can’t find one.
You’ll have to make one.

How do I make an ID card?
Have you found a card in your travels?
Look in your office.

The machine won’t accept my old library card.
What else do you need?
Do you remember Nick said the back of the card is blank?
Have you seen a picture of a person someplace?
How can you remove the picture?
What about your knife?

The machine will not accept the card with the photo – it needs a fingerprint.
Whose prints could you take?
How about Arthur?

The card won’t work with Arthur’s hand.
Have you followed the Fingerprinting instructions?
Have you found the book?
It’s in your office.

What do I do with the book?
It’s too big. What can you use to “abridge” it?
How about your knife?
Now look at the pamphlet you have made and follow

the 5 steps.
5 Steps
Step 1. Make sure the victim has hands.
Look at Arthur’s hand.
Step 2. Get an ink pad.
Have you got or seen something that you could use as a pad?
Something absorbent?
How about a sponge?
Step 3. Swab the victim’s finger with ink.
What could you use as ink?
Check out the docks again.
Squids have ink.
How do I get it to give me ink?
What makes a squid squirt?
Frighten it.
Try the crab.
How do I collect the ink?
What do you have that is absorbent?
How about the sponge again?
Step 4. Press the finger firmly against the fingerprint card.
Now you have your ID to get in.
I’m in the café but there is nothing to do.
Have you found the kitchen?
I’m in the kitchen but there is nothing much to do.
Have you found the cheese?
Have you gone out the far door?

The Boss
I saw the Boss, but now what?
You (Nick) want to trap him.
How can you get evidence?
Have you checked the window?

How can Nick hear what the Boss is saying?
What can you use to enhance your hearing?
Have you fully explored the scene?
Did you find the tin cans?
Ever make a tin can “phone” as a child?
What else do you need?

Where could I find some string or wire?
Have you gone back to check out the alley behind the kitchen?
I see a fuse box, but I can’t open it.
Try something in your inventory.
Did you know crabs spit?
What’s that hanging from the box?
What can I do with the wires?
I guess you had a deprived childhood. Combine with the tin can halves to make your listening device.

I can’t use my listening device with Wilber the Thug standing there.
Get him out of the way.
I can’t move him.
Who can use his services?

How do I tell Jim about Wilber?
Do you have his card? Go back and check out the alley more closely.
Did you examine the box?
Did you move the box?
Get the card and look at it.
Give Wilber’s card to Jim.

I listened in at the window, but I still need proof.
How can you “record” the conversation?
What have seen that you could combine with the tin can listening device?
The cook’s Victrola, of course!

Okay, I have the evidence but to whom do I show it?
The Boss.

My gun won’t work.
What other “weapon” do you have?


Nick Bounty's office
get:地上的螃蟹(crab)、死者身上的小刀(knife)' 書架上的指紋書(fingerprinting book),桌上的卡片(library card),use小刀with指紋書,可以得到取得指紋的五個步驟,然後look地上的箱子(box)即可出門
2.Shiny Barnacle Shipping Docks
use小刀with Creates,會看到crab,look crab會發現是假的,然後把身上的螃蟹放到水桶裡(Bockets),就可以跟bill講話,把所有選項都選過一次之後,把螃蟹放到後面章魚那裡, 章魚會吐出墨汁,畫面最右邊可以拿到海棉,用海棉沾墨汁之後,回到辦公室
3.Nick Bounty's office
4.Blue Crab Cafe
,到Cafe的門口,use ID卡with ID Scanner就可以進去了
5.The Boss
一番對話之後被趕出來,往右邊的垃圾桶,可以拿到罐子(Can Halves), 然後look windows,再跟黑衣人說話,離開....
6.Blue Crab Cafe
從打開的gate進去,來到廚房的後門,move地上的空箱子(Empty Creates),可以取得一張名片(bussiness card),use 螃蟹with 供電箱(fusebox),供電箱會爆炸,拿裡面的線(Wires),進廚房把唱機拿走(Victrola),把can跟wires組合,會得到 Listen Device,回到碼頭
7.Shiny Barnacle Shipping Docks
把玩具螃蟹拿走,再把玩具螃蟹跟cheese組合, 得到Trap,到Jim's Shack 'O Crabs去...
8.Jim's Shack 'O Crabs
跟Jim說話,他會因為老鼠不理你,use Trap with rat,就可以把老鼠趕跑。
再跟Jim說話(選完所有選項),把名片(bussiness card)給他。他會開始打電話,再回到Boss那去
9.The Boss
use Listening Device with windows,然後再把Listening Device跟record victrola組合
,再將得到的物品use with windows 就可以得到record,開門進去,對話完對Boss使用螃蟹,然後.....the End

帅狐狸注:许多人问如何进Blue Crab Cafe,其实是在码头左边箱子那边有螃蟹,look它一下,然后get它,离开就可以看到Blue Crab Cafe及其他房间了。

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