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Search Engines: How to make&nb

Sometimes we get so fancy when we are trying to get the search engine spiders to repeatedly visit and rank our website that we forget some of the more basic optimization techniques. Have you thought about your title tags lately? Are they working hard for you, or are they just sitting there? Keep reading to find out how you can use them to help convince the search engines to give you the high ranking you deserve.
It is a fact that millions of people use search engines on a daily basis to find information, products and or services. With that said, webmasters are always looking for that one modus operandi that will advance them into the number one spot using a particular keyword or phrase. While there are a myriad of techniques that promise they can deliver those results, one of the more effective methods that is frequently overlooked is the precious Title Tag.

With a properly constructed title tag, not only will your site be more “search engine friendly,” but your site will not need to be strongly text driven, nor will you have to sacrifice aesthetically appealing graphics. Best of all, you will never have to jam repetitive keywords throughout the pages or employ sneaky tricks. This article will show you the key strategies you need to use to ensure that the search engines will love your site. It will also describe some of the other measures to take into  account to help you gain increased exposure of your site to the masses.

The proof is in the pudding

To help push the idea of how crucial the title tag is in relation to the success of your website, I will use the following example, in which the shopper is the search engine and what is sought is an electronic product of any kind.

Imagine strolling down Main Street with electronic shops on both sides of the street. However, every shop has their windows boarded up all that remains visible is the name. Think of your title tag as the name in this situation.

Glancing at the store names above, confusion starts to set in because both stores are selling the particular item being looked for and the shopper (search engine) must make a decision. The shopper in this example makes their main decision based on which store had a clear, concise and visible storefront name.

In this example, the search engine was the shopper which saw titles on each Web page, then decided whether or not to actually purchase from your store. In order to be found on the Internet and on search engines, your site should have already had optimized keyword phrases in order to get the optimum results.

Using the example above, if my store was selling apple pies and muffins, I would still want my website to appear in the search engine results when anyone searched for the phrase “pie” or “apple.”  If the words “apple,” “pie,” and/or “muffin” are included in the title tag, this will increase the chances that the search engines will find the page, and its ranking will be higher.

The more keyword phrases you add to your title, the better your chances are for getting recognized by the search engines. Keep in mind, though, that it is important to make those key words and phrases understandable, descriptive and brief. To understand how to order these keywords most effectively, please reflect on the examples in the following section.

Tag, Title and Lease

Placing a keyword phrase at the start of the title tag give you better visibility to the search engines. If you look at the following examples:

Best Buy’s Electrical – Anything electronic
Anything electronic – Best Buy’s Electrical

Both of these two examples are acceptable to human eyes, but to the search engines, the second example will be more relevant if "Best Buy’s Electrical" is searched, because it appears at the start of the title. Generally speaking, the best procedure when it comes to search engines is to place the company’s name or the name of website to the end of the title tag.

Another great principle to adopt is to make your title enticing to the eye by keeping it as unique as humanly possible. If every page of your website is exclusive, then your title tags should be as well. Not only do unique title tags make the site more descriptive and navigable to a person, but they help search engines answer queries more accurately and allow more penetration of your site’s pages in their databases.

Methods of effective title tag placement could include leaving the company name completely off and using the extra space to promote additional key words. One other way might be to just have the title tag contain the full company name at the beginning of the title tag.

Do’s and Don’t Section

Over the course of learning my Web designing skills, I have had to repeatedly refresh my memory about the appropriate ways in which to create the ultimate title tag for numerous types of websites. Below are the common title tags mistakes I thought should be pointed out as reminders of what not to do with your title tags:

Never, ever leave your title tags blank!

Try to steer away from using the "Untitled" or default text in your title tag. If you are using Web editing software, always be diligent in placing some default text in the title tag.

Don't use tags that are not relevant to your website!

A tag that is not relevant to the content of your page is not going to help your ranking in the least bit. The search engines compare text in the title tag against the actual text content on your page to rate relevancy. If the two are not related, then ultimately your rankings will take a beating from your decision to use irrelevant tags. If that is not reason enough to stop using those irrelevant tags, I can't imagine what is. Keep in mind that it is also annoying to a person who visits your page when the title tag they saw going into your page does not relate to the content on the page. Do you really want to annoy your visitors?

Don't stuff your title tags! 

Do not stuff your title tag with repeating keyword phrases because, in some cases, the search engines will consider this tactic to be spamming. If you have already done this, the search engines may have already penalized your ranking. Check their rules; some search engines might even consider this a bannable offense.

Do take advantage of other optimization techniques!

Many webmasters have no idea of how to make a search engine friendly website. Key steps include researching those keywords, brainstorming, optimizing your Meta tags and discovering the fine art of link popularity via the use of backward links. By simply following these easy steps, you and your website can reach the top of the rankings very quickly. Please understand that this article in no way represents the only methods known to help you optimize your title tag, so here are some other methods to consider when tackling this particular task.  Adding phone numbers, adding prices, adding percentages may also be used to create that unique title tag desired.

Do continue to add new content to your site!
Finally, don't let your site become stale. I have found that many search engine rankings improve when new pages are periodically added to the site, which allows the site to maintain its fresh and new state.  Furthermore, you may want to use title elements (<title> This is a test Title</title>) as well as title attributes contained in these elements, for example, placing an external link (<a href=http://www.testdomain.com title=“anchor title”>anchor</a>) to further enhance your site's appearance to the search engines. If the steps mentioned throughout the article are adhered to, 2005 may be your year for the best traffic ever recorded. Enjoy the benefits!

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